80 Percent of keys gone

If you guys want your keys you better move fast, the first wave of keys have just been emailed out and were now at approximately 80% left, make sure you go to our twitter page follow us and retweet the latest from there. After that go to the next post for instructions on how to get in on the beta key raffle.

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Get your free Starcraft 2 beta invite

We all know that SC2 is going to be one of the greatest RTS games to come out in a long time. With the game being already having been 12 years into the development process, we should expect a game which respects the original style of starcraft, and brings much more to the table. Being such a highly acclaimed game, massive amounts of people are doing anything they can to get in on the beta.

With that being said, me and a couple of friends have devised a method of amassing hundreds of beta keys, through contests, conventions, email sign ups and a few other ways, which I'd rather not share with the world :P. We realized there would be a great demand for such a commodity and with such a situation we were looking to capitalize on it.

This however did not work out as planned, as we received a C&D(cease and desists) from blizz due to our high amount of sales of the beta keys we had gained...they weren't quite happy about. So now we've decided to give what we have left away

So how might you attain your own SC2 invite?
You can start by following us on twitter and retweeting this post:, in fact if you don't I probably won't even consider your submission!
I'll be cross referencing the submitted emails to your twitter accounts so don't worry I'll kno (;

Then all you need to do is scroll to the bottom and leave the following in the comment box below:

- How long you have been playing starcraft?
- Which race do you play the most?
- Why do you think you should get the beta key over the many others who want in?
- Your email; we need to send the key some where! If you're really concerned about spam, you could make a temporary email, but it's going to severely hurt your chances if it doesn't line up with your twitter account

Every week or so(depending on how many submissions there are) we'll check the comments and select a couple people at random to receive an invite, the sooner you sign up the better your chances.

So get to it!

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